Boricuas Unidos en la Diáspora partners with several organizations in Puerto Rico and in the United States to advocate on key issues, educate and inform, and promote Puerto Rican culture. Learn more about some of our current organizational campaigns and partnerships.


BUDPR is part of the Puerto Rico is Not Your Tax Haven (Puerto Rico No Se Vende) campaign led by the Center for Popular Democracy, which is fighting to abolish the harmful Act 22 tax incentive in Puerto Rico and pushing Congress for adequate oversight and accountability. Learn more

We're partnering with Flamboyán Theatre, an emerging cultural project based in Denver, CO, that is creating a multi-platform arts space for Puerto Rican stories. Flamboyán Theatre produces plays on topics like the Cerro Maravilla murders of pro-independence Puerto Ricans, and pro-independence poet and activist Julia de Burgos. Learn more


BUDPR is supporting the No Más Aumentos (No More Increases) campaign that fights against increases in Puerto Ricans' power because of actions taken by the colonial fiscal control board imposed by Congress in Puerto Rico. Learn more